About Us
I guess, If I have to, I can make a little more information about why this site and collection exists.

Meet me, and apparently my family since I can't find a good one of just me. My name is Doug. I make mobile apps using React Native. Lastly, I am a geek - not a nerd, I'm not smart enough for that. If you need a fairly decent refresher on the difference between a nerd and geek check out this video by Rhett and Link.
I love geek things.
When ThinkGeek was purchased by GameStop, at first it was all fun and games - literally. It gave ThinkGeek access to licensed content it wasn't going to get before. BUT, then they totally lost who they were and started selling fandom stuff instead of geek stuff. Don't get me wrong, I love fandom stuff - most of my t-shirts are StarWars, also note the totally awesome Donatello shirt I'm wearing, but I digest ... dirgess ... nah that doesn't sound right either ... Anyways, the fandoms are also a part of geek culture, but not all of it and they lost what I wanted more of.
So here I am making it. And by making it I mean, trying to find inspiration from carp on the interwebs while also trying really hard not to plagiarize, copy, or be like anybody else.
You also have to understand, I'm terrible at marketing. So if you are seeing this and actually reading it you are one of the select few who have made it this far. One of the goals of this site is to get gūd at marketing because I have big plans and goals for my next site. I'm hoping to start something - and this may turn into that at some point if I lose the gumption to make something new - that can not only give people the kind of stuff they want, but also help out others in need.
Also, if it wasn't apparent already, I have ADD - or Non Hyperactive ADHD since they apparently decided that needed to be a thing - so if you notice lots of tangents and or missing ends to thoughts, you can blame the giant squirrel outside my window. And yes, I needed spell check to correctly spell squirrel.
Anyways, thats enough about me for tonight. Buy some stuff, or don't. And if there is an area of Geekdom that you feel is under-represented, please use the form to contact me and let me know. This human form can only contain so much geek, but there is a wide world of geek out there not inside me.